At Moster Craft, P.C., we are all about anticipating the future of 2050 in technology, computers, robotics, bioengineering, energy, and even our own economy and financial system. We fundamentally believe that our country and the developed world are in the midst of a paradigmatic shift that will change everything about how we do business during the current decade and beyond.
What we think is the standard and normal business and legal practices will likely be unrecognizable by 2030 and most certainly by mid-century. For example, our Founder, Charles Moster, has written extensively on how major components of the U.S. workforce will be entirely replaced by advanced artificial intelligence in the next few years. It will be fast, furious, and disruptive for the unprepared.
Clients need to understand where technology is going and prepare themselves for the opportunities and challenges ahead. This is classic Social-Darwinism, and the end product is decidedly zero-sum. The informed will succeed and everyone else will fall to the wayside.
Count on it.
This website also presents our readers with our copyrighted “Future Facts of the Day” which will give our clients and everyone else a true glimpse of the future and prepare for it. We will also provide links to our critically acclaimed e-magazine, Future2050, for more in-depth discussions on all of the issues presented.
Join us and Fast Forward to Future opportunities!
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